STEP 1 -- Impression kit will contain 2 sets of putty (yellow & white) and 2 impression trays. The second set is included in the event the first impression taken is insufficient OR encounter any problems or mistakes. The impression tray sizes provided are based on the information provided in your order.
STEP 5 -- placing the putty into the tray. The putty should cover the entire tray and reach around from molar to molar. Once in the tray, with both thumbs press the putty down slightly into the tray creating an indentation of where the teeth will be placed creating a slight ridge toward the outer rim of the tray.

STEP 7 -- Use the STEM of the tray to align the tray in your mouth with your nose so that it is positioned straight. Removing fingers from the STEM (VERY IMPORTANT), push the tray UP INTO the teeth and holding tray against teeth with thumbs ONLY. Push FIRMLY with thumbs starting in the front (as shown below) and moving along the tray toward the back of the tray applying firm pressure. This will ensure ALL teeth are captured in the impression. Once you have applied pressure to all teeth, return the thumbs to the starting position as seen below and maintain and hold with constant pressure. Putty should be seen coming through slots and holes in tray. This will indicate a deep and detailed impression. IMPORTANT: THE TOP LIP SHOULD ALWAYS BE OVER THE FRONT OF THE TRAY (as seen below). LIP SHOULD NOT BE ON TOP OF THE EDGE OF THE TRAY, INSIDE THE TRAY, ETC. Set timer and hold pressure for 3 1/2 minutes (NO LONGER THAN 2 MINUTES FOR THOSE COMPLETING THE ORTHODONTIC IMPRESSION)
When removing the tray from one's mouth, grab the STEM of the tray (portion sticking out of the mouth) and use a quick pull-down approach to dislodge the tray from the teeth. DO NOT PULL THE STEM OUTWARD! Pull the stem DOWNWARD.
STEP 8 -- Once the impression is removed from the mouth, inspect the impression for deep detail, adequate pressure was provided by inspecting that putty has come through the various slots and holes on the outside and underside of the impression tray, a clear gum line is visible and the putty has extended above the rim of the impression tray to form a nice ridge, as well as all teeth (including back molars) are visible and within the confines of the tray. See below for detail of high ridge of impression, detail of all teeth, and that all teeth are indicated and within the confines of the tray (proper size).
PLEASE EMAIL EACH OF THESE PHOTOS TO US FOR EVALUATION PRIOR TO SHIPPING BACK YOUR IMPRESSION. This will allow us to evaluate your impression and determine if a second impression is necessary (if necessary).

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